Photo: Jeff Wilson / Disneynature

A mother polar bear and her cub walk along the shoreline, with a glacier in the background

Disneynature Film Provides Arctic Inspiration

Inspired to Act?

This powerful story may leave you wondering, “What can I do?” Polar Bears International’s team of scientists and experts is here to assure you that it’s not too late and there is good news. We can work together to protect polar bears and their sea ice home. 

Polar Bears & the Changing Arctic

Interested in learning more about polar bears? From cub to parent, the polar bear lives an extraordinary life that’s uniquely adapted to the frigid Arctic sea ice.

Youth Can Make a Difference!

Disneynature’s Commitment to Conservation

This new film continues Disneynature's longstanding commitment to caring for wildlife and their habitats. To demonstrate this Disneynature and the Disney Conservation Fund have provided a generous grant to help fund our efforts to protect polar bear moms, cubs, and their sea ice home. 

Maternal Den Study

Our study helps scientists gather data to understand polar bear denning and what happens when moms and their new cubs emerge.

Protecting Polar Bear Moms & Cubs

Protecting denning polar bears is crucial for their long-term conservation.

"Detect and Protect" Polar Bears

We're developing new technology to alert communities of approaching bears.

Support Our Work

Polar bear tracks in snow

Photo: Robert Sarren

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Become part of a community committed to protecting polar bears with our free newsletter.

Disneynature "Polar Bears" film poster

Project partners include the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, Norwegian Polar Institute, Brigham Young University, and the Town of Churchill, Canada.