Photo: Daniel J. Cox

We strive to share peer-reviewed, scientific information on polar bears, their habitats, and the impact of natural events and human-caused activity on them.

Photo: Daniel J. Cox
Our Objective
We want to provide the best available science to governments, institutions, and policy makers, as well as to the general public, so they can all act in the best interests of the great white bear.
Working on Policies that Can Effect Change
Because of our team’s long history with polar bear research, our staff scientists are uniquely positioned to provide testimony and commentary related to policies that could impact polar bear survival rates. A good example of this is our recent analysis of the risks posed to denning families by proposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a key polar bear denning area. Our partners on this include organizations like the Sierra Club and the Center for Biological Diversity.

Photo: Daniel J. Cox
Meaningful Collaborations
We also engage in high-level outreach with agencies in the U.S. whose work impacts polar bears. In addition, we take part in the United Nation’s Conference of the Parties (COP), working to address the overarching threat to polar bears: climate warming.