Our Impact
Photo: Daniel J. Cox
Big, brilliant, and built for cold, polar bears are the very symbol of a wild Arctic. Yet, despite their size and strength, they need our help to survive the coming decades.
Annual Reports
Quarterly Impact Reports
Catch up on the latest highlights from our science, education, advocacy, and outreach teams, and download the full report below.
2nd Quarter Highlights, 2024
Members of our research team contributed to a key paper that predicts the localized extinction of the Southern and Western Hudson Bay polar bears if the Paris Climate Agreement is breached, generating widespread publicity on the consequences of climate inaction.
As active members of IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group, two of our staff scientists,
Dr. Steven Amstrup and Geoff York, took part in the group’s recent meeting.
Members shared information on the status of the world’s polar bears and set
conservation and research priorities.Our team visited Cree communities along southern Hudson Bay to provide requested polar-bear-deterrence equipment and training. They also delivered newly designed live bear traps at the request of two communities that anticipate the need to safely relocate bears.
We celebrated the 20-year anniversary of our Arctic Ambassador Center network, composed of 49 zoos and aquariums in the U.S., Canada, and Europe that share our commitment to polar bear conservation.
Interested in learning more about what we accomplished together?
Audit Reports
IRS 990 Reports
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Together we can make a difference. If we work collaboratively and act on climate warming before it gets worse, we all win, and polar bears will continue to roam the Arctic sea ice for generations to come.