Other Ways to Give

Learn about corporate giving, sponsorship, fundraising, planned giving, and other ways to contribute to polar bear conservation.

Become a Polar Bear Patron

Join our distinguished community of monthly donors that make our work possible 365 days a year.

Other Ways to Donate


For US donations: Polar Bears International, P.O. 3008, Bozeman, MT 59772

For Canadian donations: Polar Bears International - Canada, PO Box 4052, 1155 Main Street Station B, Winnipeg, MB R2W 5K8

Please include your contact information for the mailing of tax information. 

International Giving

For international donations, we accept credit cards and wire transfers. For wire transfer inquiries, email fundraising@pbears.org. Please note, only donations made by eligible US and Canadian taxpayers may be tax-deductible.

Additional Giving Options

Donor Advised Funds

Support Polar Bears International with a gift from your Donor-Advised Fund today! Contact your financial advisor and provide them with our information:

Polar Bears International
P.O. Box 3008
Bozeman, MT 59772
U.S. Tax ID Number 77-0322706

If you have any questions, please reach out to Megan Spranger at mspranger@pbears.org.

Combined Federal Campaign

The Combined Federal Campaign is the workplace giving program for US federal employees. If this applies to you, please consider supporting Polar Bears International, CFC #24077.

Give While You Shop

PayPal Donate

Select Polar Bears International as your charity on PayPal and 100% of donations made  through your PayPal account will go towards funding polar bear conservation efforts—no deductions, no fees. 

Your gift goes through PayPal Giving Fund, a 501(c)(3) public charity, which will provide you with a receipt for your donation. Along with depositing your donation in our account, they also share your name and email with us so we can thank you. Or you can remain anonymous if you choose. What’s more, PayPal covers all transaction fees!

Adopt a Bear

Support wild polar bear conservation through your purchase of a symbolic or eco-adoption, e-card, or gift. 

The proceeds fund research, education, and action efforts to improve the future for polar bears across the Arctic.