About Polar Bears International

At Polar Bears International, we're ensuring a future for polar bears across the Arctic. Will you take this journey with us?

Close-up of polar bear face with bears in background image

What Makes Us Unique

We know polar bears — their habits, their ecology, and their threats. In fact, we’re the only conservation organization dedicated solely to wild polar bears.

Iceberg image

We’re Not Stopping

We’ve made some great progress, but there’s still so much to be done. We must continue to help and advocate for polar bears, so we can conserve the species for years to come.

Two polar bear cubs nestled into their mother image

Join Our Research Journey

Help us work with universities, governments, and scientists from around the world We fund long-term research, conduct ground-breaking studies, use new technology to monitor bears, and more.

Join Our Outreach Journey

From live webcasts and global media coverage to our immersive website and awareness campaigns, we need your help to share our knowledge with our global audience — instilling hope and inspiring action.

Act Now

“Without action, we will simply become polar bear historians. We can’t let that happen — and with your support, we won’t.”

– Dr. Steven Amstrup

Chief Scientist, Polar Bears International

Polar bear plush from the Adopt a Polar Bear program

Adopt a Polar Bear

Support our research, education and action by symbolically adopting a polar bear.

We couldn’t do this work without our amazing partners and sponsors.

We value the support of like-minded businesses, organizations, and foundations.