Activity 4C: Reflect

Snowy trees in Churchill

Photo: BJ Kirschhoffer / Polar Bears International

Taking Action

As a recap - here’s what we would like you to work on for this section:

Please take a moment to document your institution's official POC (reach out to Marissa if you don't know), any PBI Climate Alliance or Leadership Camp alumni at your institution, any NNOCCI alumni at your institution, and any other members of your internal AAC team – these are your support system!  Then, write an email introducing yourself to your team. Let them know what your program looks like this year and that you’ve been asked to create an action plan. 

Start to think about how you can support your team in engaging storytelling. Is there a role you can play in connecting departments at your institution? Has your AAC team reviewed the 20th Anniversary toolkit and thought about ways to celebrate the conservation wins from the network throughout the rest of the year?

AAC 20th Anniversary Toolkit

As a reminder, each participant is to create an action plan using your knowledge and skills, and role within your AAC, to contribute to individual institutions and the broader PBI and NNOCCI alumni communities. What are you good at? Where do you want to challenge yourself? What existing programs exist that you can enhance? What new programs would you like to implement? What areas do you have influence over within your organization/community?  How can you support outreach and communications within your institution? This could be facilitating workshops at your institution or NNOCCI Regional Study Circle groups, working together with your AAC team to incorporate framing into their work – enhancing interpretives, framing keeper talk scripts, social media outreach, other media outreach, etc...


Start sketching out what you might like to do and don’t hesitate to reach out to Marissa or the cohort for input.

Now that you are used to introducing yourself, If you are joining the private alumni space on Facebook please consider posting a short video or general intro post to share. Help the network get to know you– you are welcome to have cameos from other PBI ambassadors too...including the furry ones!

Trees in a snow drift in Churchill

Photo: BJ Kirschhoffer / Polar Bears International


Continue on to Activity 4D–Apply.