Activity 4D: Apply

Trees in a snow drift in Churchill

Photo: BJ Kirschhoffer / Polar Bears International

What's Next?!

Check Your Calendars!

As we finalize the last section of climate action and advocacy. Please check these items off your to-do list:

  1. Be sure to mark your calendars to include the NNOCCI strategic framing sessions Mid July through the end of August. We will be in touch with dates as soon as we can!

    **The NNOCCI strategic framing training will involve some synchronous learning in which you will need to be present with the cohort online at the same time.  We will do our very best to accommodate everyone’s very busy schedules. Thank you for your patience as we iron that out. 

  2. Watch for your invoice for the program fee - it will go out shortly and be due in July!  

If you have booked your flight, please share your travel itinerary with Marissa. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions! 

You can expect to receive a Communication Packet with further travel tips and next steps for completing online travel forms in the month of July as well!  I hope you are all getting as excited as we are. 

Can't wait to see you all in Winnipeg, where we will venture to the Tundra together!

Photo: Shervin Hess / Oregon Zoo