Activity 1A: Focus

A polar bear cub rolls around in seaweed next to mom

Photo: BJ Kirschhoffer / Polar Bears International

Myths and Facts

Test your polar bear knowledge with this quiz and use the video to check your answers.

Step One: Take the Quiz!

Establish your background knowledge of polar bear facts (for your personal use only – there is no need to submit your answers).


True or False:

  • Polar bears hibernate

  • Polar bears have fiber optic fur

  • Polar bears can interbreed with brown bears

  • Polar bears are getting smaller

  • All polar bears come on land in the summer

  • Polar bears have special adaptations for traveling on ice

  • Polar Bears can survive on a diet consisting solely of land-based foods

  • Polar bears’ livers are poisonous

  • Polar bears are the only white bear

  • Polar bear moms always have 2 cubs

Yes or No:

  • Are polar bears more dangerous to humans than other bears?

  • Do polar bears have predators?

  • Can polar bears walk on thinner ice than a human?

  • Polar bears cover their nose while hunting seals

  • Could polar bears survive on a diet of goose eggs?

  • Do polar bears ever suffer from snow blindness?

  • Is it possible to create artificial polar bear habitat?

  • Do polar bears ever use thick, multi-year sea ice?

  • Could polar bears survive solely in terrestrial habitats?

  • Could polar bears evolve back into brown bears?

Step Two: Check Your Answers!

Watch the video and see if you were right.

Learn more about the basics by visiting our website!

Close-up of a large male polar bear

Photo: Craig Taylor/Polar Bears International


Continue on to Activity 1B – Explore.