Tundra Buggy One

Tundra Buggy One making its way across the snowy tundra

Photo: Max Lowe

Take a tour inside Tundra Buggy® One and see how we monitor the bears and share their story with the world.

A Window Into Their World

Enter Tundra Buggy One

It’s a unique roving research vehicle and broadcast studio generously donated for our use by Frontiers North Adventures. From this base camp on wheels, we monitor the bears and host live Tundra Connections® webcasts as polar bears roam outside, giving us a unique opportunity to tell the polar bear’s story and inspire action. 

Tundra Buggy One traveling on ice with researchers on board

Photo: Kt Miller

Reporting Live

The mobile studio also supports our live Polar Bear Cam and is available for live news broadcasts during the annual gathering of polar bears, including past coverage from media outlets including NBC Nightly News, CBC News, and the BBC.

"We are grateful to our partners Frontiers North Adventures and explore.org whose collaboration and generosity make Tundra Buggy One a reality."

— Krista Wright, Executive Director, Polar Bears International

Polar bear traveling through a forest during the fall

Annual Fall Gathering

Every fall, hundreds of polar bears gather near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, on the shores of Hudson Bay to wait for the sea ice to form. It’s one of the most extraordinary events in the natural world, offering a rare glimpse into the lives of these animals.

A mother polar bear staring at the camera with her cub beside her on land

A Changing Climate

The single biggest threat to polar bears is sea ice loss due to climate warming. Bringing their story to the world, and that of the Arctic more broadly, brings home the message that urgent action is needed.

Polar bear looking straight at camera

Polar Bear Cams

Immerse yourself in our live Polar Bear, Beluga, and Northern Lights Cams.

Polar Bears International House

Polar Bears International House

Learn about how our interpretive center in Churchill, Manitoba helps visitors learn about polar bears, sea ice loss, and more.

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