Photo: Daniel J. Cox

Become Part of the Solution
Take part in effecting change that will not only help polar bears, but people too.
The Problem
In a nutshell, global climate warming, caused by burning fossil fuels, is melting the sea ice polar bears depend on.
The bears need sea ice to hunt, mate, roam, and, sometimes, den. If the Arctic continues to warm at its current rates, we will see fewer polar bears in fewer places across the Arctic, making them more vulnerable to extinction.
Addressing climate warming is overwhelming, but time and time again, humans have accomplished things that once seemed impossible. And fortunately, in this case, we already have the answers we need.

Photo: Daniel J. Cox
The Solution
As scientist Katharine Hayhoe says, when it comes to global climate warming and a future for polar bears, “we need all options on the table and all hands on deck.”
The key to saving sea ice for polar bears and getting the climate back to functioning the way it should is to get away from using fossil fuels for energy all together.
Top Ways to Save the Sea Ice
Vote & Speak Up
The most important action you can take is to vote with the climate in mind, in each and every election. Also, let your representatives know you support bold climate action.
Talk About It!
Open up and talk about climate change (and climate solutions) with friends, family members, and colleagues. By talking about climate change, you'll help make it a kitchen table issue.
Build a Better Future
Encourage energy-efficient construction standards, including better heating and cooling systems, insulation, and lighting methods.
Support an Energy Shift
Get involved in community projects that reduce or replace fossil fuels with clean energy sources like solar and wind. Also research renewable energy options available to you.
Promote Clean Transportation
Support community projects aimed at reducing the number of vehicles overall, such as car sharing programs and mass transit programs.
Thank you for your bravery, innovation, and dedication to this cause. The polar bear’s fate, and the fate of the planet, is in our hands. Let's write a more hopeful future together.