Photo: Daniel J. Cox

Climate Alliance Program
Polar Bears International works with a variety of partners towards a common goal: saving polar bears by reducing carbon emissions that contribute to Arctic sea ice melt.

Photo: Daniel J. Cox
Addressing Climate Change Together
The Polar Bears International Climate Alliance is a can-do working group focused on that goal. Through the Alliance, we train and empower individuals to effect community change.

Joining Our Program
The program is available to zoos, aquariums, and wildlife parks in our Arctic Ambassador Center network, as well as other like-minded organizations. Polar Bears International will identify the target audiences for each year's Climate Alliance training at least one year in advance to assist participating partners with their planning.
The Climate Alliance Program includes:
An understanding of Arctic sea ice and the polar bears' natural history.
A grounding in climate science and the urgent need to act.
Training in how to communicate effectively about climate change, based on tested language and metaphors.
Guidance in developing a community action plan.
Participants complete an eight-month online learning course; attend an in-person session in Churchill, Canada, the polar bear capital; develop action plans to implement back home; and stay connected over time with Polar Bears International staff, fellow ambassadors, and alumni through online gatherings and social media tools.