Week Three

A polar bear mom and cub on the tundra

Photo: Jenny Wong

NNOCCI Communication Tools - Strategic Framing Pt. 2

We are continuing our overview of NNOCCI’s Strategic Framing Tools that help us communicate about climate change objectively and navigate effectively through conversations. This week, we’ll focus on the importance of having a Reasonable Tone, pointing people toward Community-level Solutions (“How do we improve the situation?”), and utilizing Bridge and Pivot techniques when conversations get tough.

Two cartoon people with speech bubbles that say


11:00 am

Webinar #2

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88522754814?pwd=edycHIJYLTioDcWi6GtFEF8haJuNL1.1 | Meeting ID: 885 2275 4814 | Passcode: 471954

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88522754814?pwd=edycHIJYLTioDcWi6GtFEF8haJuNL1.1 | Meeting ID: 885 2275 4814 | Passcode: 471954


NOTE: Video occasionally references ‘the swamp’ (now cultural mindsets map) and ‘cultural models’ (now cultural mindsets), which are older terms for similar concepts we work with today.

Infographic about communication and energy efficiency.


Read the provided articles and review the handouts and “reframe card” associated with the Tone, Solutions, and Bridge & Pivot themes promoted in NNOCCI.

A graphic about climate change solutions.

Assignment & Discord Post

(~2 paragraphs)

  • COLLECTIVE SOLUTIONS: Think about a sustainability effort or a conservation “ask/solution” that your institution often messages. Consider NNOCCI’s focus on three themes of climate solutions, and share how your example could be adjusted or used to advance collective-level solutions. (Hint - use the reframe card to write your explanations!)

  • BRIDGE & PIVOT: Respond to this scenario: Your team posts a blog about why and how your institution’s polar bear habitat is being renovated to be more energy efficient. A comment comes through sharing that even if the zoo takes certain actions, the system is broken and others won’t. What cultural mindset(s) are showing up in this comment, and how could you bridge & pivot the conversation in your response?

  • LOOK AHEAD: You have two weeks until the Week 4 assignment - use this time to get caught up on any past assignments or work ahead!

NOTE on Reframe Cards: The provided Reframe Cards are for you to use and/or “professionally copy.” The language was tested with audiences so we know those specific words and concepts resonate with people!

Photo: Kt Miller / Polar Bears International


Begin Week Four: Examples in the Real World

A close of up a polar bear walking by

Photo: Kt Miller / Polar Bears International


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