Week Two

Photo: Kt Miller / Polar Bears International
NNOCCI Communication Tools - Strategic Framing Pt. 1
Now that we’ve learned more about what our audiences bring to the table regarding knowledge and beliefs about climate change, it’s time to craft messages that effectively reach them. NNOCCI utilizes evidence-based Strategic Framing tools to create content and navigate conversations. The entire NNOCCI framework helps you talk about climate change objectively, and communicators use framing tools to navigate through it. This week, we’ll focus on Values (universal “why this matters” concepts) and Explanatory Metaphors (“how this works” explanations). Values establish the importance of the topic and these metaphors create a clearer understanding of scientific mechanisms while priming thinking towards solutions.

These are introductory videos that help explain the Strategic Framing tools of Values and Explanatory Metaphors.
Review the handouts and “reframe cards” associated with the two Values and four Metaphors used in NNOCCI.
Framing with Values handout
Protection reframe card
Responsible Management reframe card
Framing with Metaphors handout
Heat-trapping Blanket reframe card
Regular vs. Rampant reframe card
Climate’s Heart reframe card
Osteoporosis of the Sea reframe card

Assignment & Discord Post
(~2 paragraphs)
VALUES: Considering the two Values presented, which concepts/elements in those Values do you see being used most frequently in your institution’s communications (media, signage, educational programming, etc.)? What opportunities do you see for more?
EXPLANATORY METAPHORS: Choose one of the Explanatory Metaphors and link it to a species or story at your institution. Write up a social media post/caption with the metaphor in use. (Hint - use the reframe cards to write your explanations!)
NOTE on Reframe Cards: The provided Reframe Cards are for you to use and/or “professionally copy.” The language was tested with audiences so we know those specific words and concepts resonate with people!

Photo: Jenny Wong
Week Three
Begin Week Three: NNOCCI Communication Tools - Strategic Framing Pt. 2

Photo: Kt Miller / Polar Bears International
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