Week Four

Photo: Kt Miller / Polar Bears International
Examples in the Real World
As we wrap up our NNOCCI-supported Strategically Framing Climate Communications course, let’s take some time to reflect upon how we can talk about climate change (mechanism, impacts, and solutions) in our various communications to our staff and visitor base. We also know that as trusted voices in our communities and at higher levels, we have an opportunity to support advocacy work at the policy level and inform management decisions that will support the well-being of humans, landscapes, and wildlife.

Webinar #3
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88522754814?pwd=edycHIJYLTioDcWi6GtFEF8haJuNL1.1 | Meeting ID: 885 2275 4814 | Passcode: 471954
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88522754814?pwd=edycHIJYLTioDcWi6GtFEF8haJuNL1.1 | Meeting ID: 885 2275 4814 | Passcode: 471954
Assignment & Discord Post
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: Craft a social media post or short press release (with a visual) related to an animal/story or advocacy ask at your organization, utilizing NNOCCI Strategic Framing tools (Values, Metaphors, Solutions, Tone) to inform the piece. You are welcome to use the template to help.
SHARING CLIMATE STORIES: Identify 3-4 opportunities in your institution’s content calendar (PBI example) where climate communication could be integrated into your storytelling at any level.

Photo: Erinn Hermsen / Polar Bears International
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Photo: Kt Miller / Polar Bears International
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