Photo: Kt Miller / Polar Bears International

A close of up a polar bear walking by


National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation logo.

Welcome to the NNOCCI Module of Climate Alliance

Welcome to NNOCCI’s Strategically Framing Climate Communications module!  During the next five weeks, you will learn more about NNOCCI as a network and the various theories of climate change-related communication practices based on social science research. We’ll zoom in to cover some basic NNOCCI Strategic Framing elements including why framing matters, values, metaphors, and solutions. 

Our online learning will continue on PBI’s Climate Alliance webpage and within our Discord community. You can work ahead as much as you want and check out the upcoming weeks of content to carve out time in your schedule accordingly.

Please plan on attending our three live webinars (Mondays - July 29, August 12, August 26 at 12pm ET / 9am PT) for additional content review and discussion with our Climate Alliance cohort. These webinars will be recorded if you need to miss a session or wish to go back and review the discussion.

Let’s jump in!

– Kayla McCurry and Jerran Orwig
NNOCCI Training Committee

Module Overview

Week One (Week of July 29):  Climate Communications Theories & Social Science Themes
Week Two (Week of Aug 5): NNOCCI Communication Tools - Strategic Framing Pt. 1
Week Three (Week of Aug 12): NNOCCI Communication Tools - Strategic Framing Pt.2
Week Four (Week of Aug 26): Examples in the Real World

Photo: Kt Miller / Polar Bears International


Begin Week One: Climate Communications Theories & Social Science Themes

Mother bear and her two cubs cuddled up to one another


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