Activity 3A: Focus

Close up of a polar bear's face

Photo: BJ Kirschhoffer / Polar Bears International

Status of Polar Bears

Step One

Watch these videos about the impact of climate change on polar bears.

Here is a snapshot of how climate change connects with declines in some polar bear populations.

We are always revising the supplemental materials and resources to help AACs communicate the challenges polar bears face in a warming Arctic. Take a look at a few of the resources below and return to your AAC Toolbox to view updated materials!

Read the latest report on the decline in the Western Hudson Bay polar bear population.

A few Guiding Questions:

  • What role does the surface of the Arctic sea ice serve for polar bears?

  • What visible impacts on polar bear populations, particularly those in the seasonal sea ice ecoregion, does declining sea ice have?

  • What things need to be done to make a difference?

Polar bear mom twin cubs snuggle

Photo: Tim Auer / Polar Bears International


Continue on to Activity 3B – Explore.