Photo: Daniel J. Cox

Start A Fundraiser
Whether it's in honor of a birthday, a special occasion, or a way to take part in one of our awareness events, leverage your community to support a cause important to you.
Start raising funds today!
Step 1: Support Polar Bears
You are passionate about polar bear conservation. Now you are just one click and a few details away from creating your own personal fundraiser to help impact the long-term survival of polar bears. You’ve got this!
Step 2: Set up your personal challenge
Now It's time to create your fundraising page to share why polar bear conservation is important to you. Just add a few personal details, like your donation challenge and fundraising goal, and voila, you are ready to roll!
Step 3: Invite your friends and family
This is the fun part. You’ve told them why polar bear conservation is important to you and your fundraiser challenge. Now invite your friends, family and colleagues to join you in making an impact.
We are rooting for you!
Get inspired by others

Reach Out
Our team is happy to help answer any questions you might have. Email us for more information.
Fundraiser Disclaimer
We are so grateful to all of the generous businesses that contact us about supporting our work. We ask that you follow the following guidelines.
Disclaimer: As we don’t have the staff resources to review each business and vendor request about fundraising or donations, we cannot allow any business or individual to imply a formal affiliation with Polar Bears International. We request that you include the following disclaimer on any web page, print material or email that mentions “Polar Bears International” as a recipient of a donation.
“[Insert name] is not affiliated in any manner with Polar Bears International or any of its programs, projects or websites.”
Polar Bears International is not able to share or promote fundraisers outside of our official sponsorship program.
Linking to Polar Bears International Website: If you would like to link to Polar Bear International's website on any web page, printed material, or email that mentions Polar Bears International, we ask that use the following language:
"For more information about polar bear conservation, please go to and find out how to get involved.
Sales & Other Promotions: Because sales promotions and special event fundraisers may be considered “commercial co-ventures,” Polar Bears International does not allow the use of our logo or name to be used to promote sales or events. This includes businesses selling products or services advertising a benefit to Polar Bears International. These types of promotions are subject to state approval and require additional registration or filing within a state where products are being sold. Anyone who wishes to donate proceeds from sales should consult with legal counsel and contact Polar Bears International well in advance of the start date of the promotion in order to determine if we will be able to accept the donation.
Licensed Marks: Polar Bears International owns certain trademarks, including our name and logo, which may not be used without our written permission or without entering into a formal partnership with us.
If you have any questions about the use of our trademarks, donations of proceeds from events or sales or about corporate contributions, please contact us at