How To Submit a Video Testimonial

Thank you for lending your voice to polar bears!

Before You Record (Best Practices)

  1. Check video settings on your phone to make sure you’re recording in highest quality. 4k video is preferred and can be selected in your camera settings found in the settings menu.

  2. Clean your phone lens (just wipe it off well and ensure it's not streaking the image).

  3. Find the right spot
    — Find an area which has good natural light from windows. Turn off all other lights in the room.
    — Think about what’s behind you and if you want it in the recording.
    — Make sure it’s quiet so that it’ll be easy to hear you.

Record Your Video

  1. We would prefer you to shoot in horizontal or 'landscape' mode.

  2. When shooting:
    — Hold the phone or place it on a stand, with the lens just below eye level. Anything can be used as a stand. A pile of books or boxes or a shelf.
    — Place yourself in the middle of the video frame.
    — Have the questions printed beside you for quick reference, but not in the camera frame.
    — Look directly at the lens of the camera.

  3. If you are comfortable, please share your name and your state or country (e.g. “I'm Jane from Wisconsin”).

  4. Choose one or multiple of the prompts or questions below to answer (as many as you wish!):

    Finish a sentence: (Please include the start of the below sentence in your response)
    — I’m voting with polar bears in mind because…
    — Don’t sit this election out! Join me in voting with polar bears in mind because…
    — Protecting the polar bears’ future is important to me because… and that’s why I’m voting with polar bears and the climate in mind.

    Answer a question:
    — Why is it important to vote this year?
    — Why does my vote count?

  5. Keep it Short: Aim for a video length of 1-2 minutes. Keep it personal, heartfelt, and impactful.

Submit Your Video

Click the button below to upload your video to Dropbox by September 15.

By submitting your video, you give permission to Polar Bears International to use your video and its contents on social media, our website, and other platforms. We may edit videos for length or clarity. The videos may appear in campaigns including but not limited to civic engagement and fundraising-related outreach.