Photo: BJ Kirschhoffer / Polar Bears International

Earth Day
Join us in helping to move the dial on climate change, creating a better future for polar bears and for all of us.
Earth Day is April 22!
Whether you are a student, business owner, community member, or government leader, we all have a role to play in supporting a swift transition from fossil fuels, stabilizing our climate system and creating a safer world for all of us.

Photo: Kt Miller / Polar Bears International
Let’s Make an Impact
Our Earth Day focus is on human-caused climate change, with impacts that extend well beyond polar bears and the Arctic to our own backyards. Together, we can help fast-track climate action—adding to the momentum and serving as extra hands to push the climate boulder up the hill.
Polar Bears Need Sea Ice—and So Do We!
The Arctic is warming nearly four times as fast as the rest of the planet, causing the sea ice to melt. Polar bears rely on sea ice to hunt, breed, roam, and sometimes den.
But it’s not just about polar bears. Sea ice serves as the earth’s air conditioner, helping to stabilize our global climate and keep our planet cool.
The recent IPCC global climate report is crystal clear, for polar bears and all of us: human-caused climate change threatens all life on this planet, we need to swiftly reduce fossil fuel emissions to address it, and we have a roadmap to securing that safer and brighter future.
Get Involved on Earth Day
Share the steps needed to stabilize our climate. No one can say, “We don’t know what to do or where to start.” The recent IPCC report holds all the information that communities and elected officials need to make the best choices for a livable future.
Become part of the solution. Check out our Advocacy Toolkit and find a way to plug in based on your own strengths and interests.
Join us for an Earth Day broadcast. Watch the live chat on from Tundra Connections page on April 22 at 5 p.m. ET, the event will showcase clips from cams around the world and celebrate nature.
Watch an inspiring TED Talk. Our own Alysa McCall offers solutions on coexisting with polar bears.
Send a free Earth Day e-card. Show your love of polar bears and commitment to the planet.
Polar Bears & the Changing Arctic
Big, brilliant, and built for cold, polar bears are the very symbol of a wild Arctic. Yet despite their size and strength, they need our help to survive the coming decades.
Climate Action Inspiration
No matter what your skill set or circumstances, you can help move the dial on climate change. In the list below, meet others who are taking action—giving you ideas that, collectively, will help move the dial on climate.